Frank Palmer Speare maintained a gentleman’s farm in Tilton, New Hampshire where Speare and his family spent many of their summers up there. After his retirement, Speare spent the bulk of his time at the farm, tending to livestock and going fishing on the adjoining lake.
Speare’s farming was the subject of several caricatures, created by Northeastern University students and staff:
Below: “A Message to a Departing Friend, ca. 1934. Speare wrote this letter to his beloved horse “Bob,” shortly before the horse was euthanized.
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"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
College Presidents
College Presidents
College Presidents
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
message to a departing friend
"Message to a Departing Friend"
College Presidents
~:/~~ a..wssAGEpo A D.tSPARTING FRrn:ND Dear Old Bob: Yielding to unans ers.ble arguments from competent p rsons I have issued instructions today witn the utmost regret to have you translated from material existence to tb horses' "Happy Hunting Grounds•. You have l1v d over thirty years and from all that I can learn from thos o;f ho hav lmown you best you hav atisi'action to us all. courage and ff Your unra1l1ng good-nature, willingness, ction for your as ooiates, both m n and beasts, have won for ,-ou a boat of friends and aam1r rs. served me and mine at been a joy and source For eight years you ha.v ith unfailing loyalty e.nd devotion and to termin- this relationship is one of th most painful experiences through hich I have ever pass d. You are still s.ound .. au.ppl and willing to do your best, but your s trength and endurance h.ave decreased with th y~ur failure of teeth and I am convinced that nothing can be done to remedy this great weakness. any people regard horses s machines which are fed and sheltered for the power and service they can are sold. and resold with 11tt1 comfort. Fine animals or no regard £or their futur or They gr dually decline in value with their advancing years ~they are mere shadows of their former selves and their lives/end 1n suff ring.oaa ;ftla tlaea etiaiJ&bl~t. had t~s att1tud toward horses as I have alway ta1thrul servants and I have never regarded them as xper1enoe with you bas increased appreciation for your rae • You have lived varied and interesting life. You have s erved sev ral 1ntell1gent,...a kind owners and you have won a pl.ace in the affections of' m.y ami«•• family~~· �You ha e proved to be versat1l ble ~- , - • N pleasur h v driven you carriages. and adaptable to 1 gly and ith oth r hor es on light ad your old-t1me Und r tb se conditions you ass style and a tion and st pped out as a thoroughbred should. vily l aded dump-cart, on th been dr_v n in a h s trenuous of all, th and starts. You bave don an unu Ullly fin· !til other horses, and perfor ed your dut1 a never sho n nl l cJ --L.L:a in or out or·the stable. lert and int rested in your well, and pungs no.· hors • ve been riaden by all of ua, to all the £orego1ng yo and most rak l:f.ght and heavy duty in .. leigh and have sho n yourself' to b eompan hors You have 1th its ce seless dr g and stops ma.ch1n ov1 remark- In addition lon ell. and in You You have been uniformly been report d~.. t~.~~?~~ ork and hav a former on r a s the only perf otly disposition d and trained horse he had ever een. You have ol d peopl e and provoking dogs . s hJ. You ar sound I hav P• ny k1nd ot a proposition without h you b.av st te a bean a oheer£ul and helpful ithout tear ean or or You Yo ,.,v ar thread your p rfeotly b en ready to tackle itancy or complaint. ember of In a ord, ~ contradiction that you see f*am.ily and I can incapabl of doing rong thing. If ther thl . kno n to soienc as done to remedy tbi nutrition probl vigor I agerly int ra nev r se n you kick, cro d or ith no concern. have n v_ r s en you l nd uel l '' s en remark bl7 fine with children, absolutely unafraid of locomotives and moving automobiles way ve ould hav v 1thstand th sho n t r1ggor t that I could have and maint in your health and vail d myself of it, but the 1 st t o ith advancing year of our cl1mat food you have lost fl ah and com you ve been unable to and deprived or your accustomed into the Spring months w ak and �-3- dapl t d. ' hav onderful summer together and I have r joieed had a b't;tlldant s pply of n w t .. s e you r build through the reed, gr sa, stock ~L'./"7 nd £re dom and when I left you Monda), September .fourth unsh1ne ~ Yl'>U w r p, sle k,;'bandsome. aillii~~~~~ pl Of lat and have don you have been more of a ple.ymate than a or a r ti uing nature so tnat w hav very littl fa t tr1end time to beco at year and you . We recall so vividly r you standing lik a faithful sent1nal ne r th our greeting. d th fe · lin& of' a.nt1o1pat!on and delight e . hen reaching th nigh~ lat'e at is such a ~- ~~-84? /~ qui tly- r sting r sp in the Fall to find buildings and We shall miss your friendly comp nionship mor, and feeling of lonel1ne s sees over think of' the forthcoming months and years. see you again to re mphasiz this stern necessity faced th u3 thinge -nrich d our lives. I a hich I glad that I hav e part. mu~t ach other as never ~lways shown h n called upon. b en abl to serv Som thing 'l'h1.s has you and h1ch you 111 pass out of my life which I shall always miss, but I shall retain mamor1es nature. ond rf'ul nd their horse'"'. to repay in same measure the helpfuln as and coop ration v I told you when understand Ara s tha s I ! & kno n, a.t to a. degree, that relationship that exists bet een th aiting I had fully expected to a.nd I knew that I am sure, howev r, that before and that we hav who a~;:;~ie a ereat charm to our landsca.p can Everyon you 1s surprised and delighted to learn that ther friendly and co panionable horae, bad bad perrect liberty to wand r v 111 aoout the barn, farm and surrounding territory. kno orker or a priceless �Good-by t old pal, I leave t you will exparienc o au.fferi 1ndly hand or pain. · knowing ~~ shall ~~~. ~~~ ~ Your highly appreciative comrade~~~~~~ ~~~~~_, �
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"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
College Presidents
College Presidents
College Presidents
"Message to a Departing Friend"
"Message to a Departing Friend"
message to a departing friend
"Message to a Departing Friend"
College Presidents
~:/~~ a..wssAGEpo A D.tSPARTING FRrn:ND Dear Old Bob: Yielding to unans ers.ble arguments from competent p rsons I have issued instructions today witn the utmost regret to have you translated from material existence to tb horses' "Happy Hunting Grounds•. You have l1v d over thirty years and from all that I can learn from thos o;f ho hav lmown you best you hav atisi'action to us all. courage and ff Your unra1l1ng good-nature, willingness, ction for your as ooiates, both m n and beasts, have won for ,-ou a boat of friends and aam1r rs. served me and mine at been a joy and source For eight years you ha.v ith unfailing loyalty e.nd devotion and to termin- this relationship is one of th most painful experiences through hich I have ever pass d. You are still s.ound .. au.ppl and willing to do your best, but your s trength and endurance h.ave decreased with th y~ur failure of teeth and I am convinced that nothing can be done to remedy this great weakness. any people regard horses s machines which are fed and sheltered for the power and service they can are sold. and resold with 11tt1 comfort. Fine animals or no regard £or their futur or They gr dually decline in value with their advancing years ~they are mere shadows of their former selves and their lives/end 1n suff ring.oaa ;ftla tlaea etiaiJ&bl~t. had t~s att1tud toward horses as I have alway ta1thrul servants and I have never regarded them as xper1enoe with you bas increased appreciation for your rae • You have lived varied and interesting life. You have s erved sev ral 1ntell1gent,...a kind owners and you have won a pl.ace in the affections of' m.y ami«•• family~~· �You ha e proved to be versat1l ble ~- , - • N pleasur h v driven you carriages. and adaptable to 1 gly and ith oth r hor es on light ad your old-t1me Und r tb se conditions you ass style and a tion and st pped out as a thoroughbred should. vily l aded dump-cart, on th been dr_v n in a h s trenuous of all, th and starts. You bave don an unu Ullly fin· !til other horses, and perfor ed your dut1 a never sho n nl l cJ --L.L:a in or out or·the stable. lert and int rested in your well, and pungs no.· hors • ve been riaden by all of ua, to all the £orego1ng yo and most rak l:f.ght and heavy duty in .. leigh and have sho n yourself' to b eompan hors You have 1th its ce seless dr g and stops ma.ch1n ov1 remark- In addition lon ell. and in You You have been uniformly been report d~.. t~.~~?~~ ork and hav a former on r a s the only perf otly disposition d and trained horse he had ever een. You have ol d peopl e and provoking dogs . s hJ. You ar sound I hav P• ny k1nd ot a proposition without h you b.av st te a bean a oheer£ul and helpful ithout tear ean or or You Yo ,.,v ar thread your p rfeotly b en ready to tackle itancy or complaint. ember of In a ord, ~ contradiction that you see f*am.ily and I can incapabl of doing rong thing. If ther thl . kno n to soienc as done to remedy tbi nutrition probl vigor I agerly int ra nev r se n you kick, cro d or ith no concern. have n v_ r s en you l nd uel l '' s en remark bl7 fine with children, absolutely unafraid of locomotives and moving automobiles way ve ould hav v 1thstand th sho n t r1ggor t that I could have and maint in your health and vail d myself of it, but the 1 st t o ith advancing year of our cl1mat food you have lost fl ah and com you ve been unable to and deprived or your accustomed into the Spring months w ak and �-3- dapl t d. ' hav onderful summer together and I have r joieed had a b't;tlldant s pply of n w t .. s e you r build through the reed, gr sa, stock ~L'./"7 nd £re dom and when I left you Monda), September .fourth unsh1ne ~ Yl'>U w r p, sle k,;'bandsome. aillii~~~~~ pl Of lat and have don you have been more of a ple.ymate than a or a r ti uing nature so tnat w hav very littl fa t tr1end time to beco at year and you . We recall so vividly r you standing lik a faithful sent1nal ne r th our greeting. d th fe · lin& of' a.nt1o1pat!on and delight e . hen reaching th nigh~ lat'e at is such a ~- ~~-84? /~ qui tly- r sting r sp in the Fall to find buildings and We shall miss your friendly comp nionship mor, and feeling of lonel1ne s sees over think of' the forthcoming months and years. see you again to re mphasiz this stern necessity faced th u3 thinge -nrich d our lives. I a hich I glad that I hav e part. mu~t ach other as never ~lways shown h n called upon. b en abl to serv Som thing 'l'h1.s has you and h1ch you 111 pass out of my life which I shall always miss, but I shall retain mamor1es nature. ond rf'ul nd their horse'"'. to repay in same measure the helpfuln as and coop ration v I told you when understand Ara s tha s I ! & kno n, a.t to a. degree, that relationship that exists bet een th aiting I had fully expected to a.nd I knew that I am sure, howev r, that before and that we hav who a~;:;~ie a ereat charm to our landsca.p can Everyon you 1s surprised and delighted to learn that ther friendly and co panionable horae, bad bad perrect liberty to wand r v 111 aoout the barn, farm and surrounding territory. kno orker or a priceless �Good-by t old pal, I leave t you will exparienc o au.fferi 1ndly hand or pain. · knowing ~~ shall ~~~. ~~~ ~ Your highly appreciative comrade~~~~~~ ~~~~~_, �